#CreateWaves with your ocean self-portrait

Artwork created in Adobe Illustrator 2022

#CreateWaves, is a campaign created to use creativity to help raise awareness about the critical impacts of climate change on our ocean and planet. Launched in 2021 as part of the United Nations’ Ocean Decade, in partnership between Adobe and The Ocean Agency.

On its second consecutive year they are calling on creators around the world to show what the ocean means to us all through the creation of an ocean-inspired self-portrait, “to show the world your connection to the ocean, in a positive, unexpected and authentic way.”

The ocean is essential for all life on Earth, it encompasses my life and it has given me purpose. I want you to see what I see, to feel what I feel; the movement, the life, its uniqueness and its fragility. Every interaction that I've ever had with the ocean has challenged me and has transformed me. That powerful, transforming and ever changing energy of the ocean makes us believe that it's invincible; but we've created many unnatural conditions the ocean can't face alone.

"Perhaps because we're so terrestrially biased, air-breathing creatures that we are, it has taken us until now to realise that everything we care about is anchored in the ocean" - Sylvia Earle.

It is time to dive in, to connect and protect the ocean, there is no better time than this present moment that we live. Let's celebrate the ocean every day with every breath we take.