‘Making the unseen, seen’

We are currently going through a global environmental crisis; 8 million tonnes of plastic waste find their way into the ocean each year (Dr Jenna Jambeck) and only 9% of plastic waste being recycled globally.

With the urge to deepen my knowledge about ocean plastics and challenge myself by experiencing the ocean in a new way, I applied to be part of the eXXpedition adventure. I was given the opportunity to be the first Costa Rican to join one of the legs of eXXpedition’s Round the World voyage! From February 15th to March the 2nd 2020, we sailed a total of 2009 nautical miles from Galapagos to Easter Island. Sailing through the South Pacific Gyre, one of the least studied gyres and an important area of converging ocean currents that is known as a plastic accumulation zone.


I was part of a multidisciplinary and multinational crew of 14 amazing women. During our voyage we carried out different science experiments, workshops and learned the basics of sailing. It was definitely a transformational journey for each one of us. A test of patience, resilience and strength. I am now an eXXpedition Ambassador, and now more than ever, inspired by the multidisciplinary and powerful group of women I was lucky to sail with; I aim to keep on using design and creativity as a bridge between ocean literacy and active ocean protection. 

Thanks to all the people who supported me to achieve this goal and to my sponsors.


Scroll down to find out more about my journey!

Funds raised to be the only Costa Rican on eXXpedition!

eXXpedition blog: We are all in the same boat

Science on board

eXXpedition blog: I sea change

Wiseoceans blog: Setting sails into new waters

Sponsor promotion: Klean Kanteen

Why is it all women?

Sponsor promotion: Auto Mercado

Delfino: Todos estamos en el mismo barco

Find out more on my IG account!

I was supported by UNDP Costa Rica, as eXXpedition aligns with SDGs 5, Gender Equality, and 14, Life Below Water.